Cash Entry Window

Enter a Receipt




The Cash Entry window is used to enter payments on customer accounts, generate charges using Cash Receipts module type codes or category codes and create cash deposits on UB customer accounts. This document will cover entering a payment.


Payments can be received in the Cash Receipts module for charges generated in any of the other modules. For example, the Cash Receipts module is used to receive payments on Utility Billing customer accounts. Payments are entered into the Cash Entry window, which can be accessed through CR> Cash Receipts> Enter Receipt, or through CR> Cash Receipts> Cash Drawer Entry. Depending on how security is set up in the Cash Receipts module, the Enter Receipts option may not be available on the Cash Receipts palette.


The Cash Entry window allows you to enter payments on all accounts attached to a customer record. For example, if a customer has UB customer accounts 000001-001, 000001-002 and 000001-003, the balance on all of those accounts can be paid on a single receipt. This also applies to accounts in other modules. For example, if a customer has multiple UB and AR module accounts, the balance on all of those accounts can be paid on a single receipt.


The Cash Entry window can also be used to enter payments on multiple customers. For example, if a customer would like to pay the balance on their own UB account and a UB account that is not in their name, you can use the Cash Entry window to generate a single receipt that pays the balance of both accounts.


The receipts/endorsements that will print when the transaction is complete depend on how the Cash Receipts module is set up. Receipts/endorsements can be attached to payment methods, type codes and set up as defaults on the Slip Maintenance window (CR> Maintenance> Slip).


Click here for information on slip maintenance.


In order to create a receipt using the Cash Entry window, you must be set up as an operator in the Cash Receipts module (CR> Maintenance> Operator), the computer you are using must be set up as a CR module station (CR> Maintenance> Station) and you must be set up as an authorized user on the station you are logged into (CR> Maintenance> Station> Authorized Users section).


Related Links


Click here for an overview of setting up the Cash Receipts module.

Click here for an overview of Cash Receipts module security.

Click here for information on shortcuts / hotkeys on the Cash Entry window.


Step by Step












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